God's Impeccable Timing

A note from the authors of Just Believe

Just Believe is a true story – one that changed our lives forever. Ironically, when our story unfolded ten years ago, we didn’t quite know the lasting impact it would have on us.

Preparing the writer…

For over 20 years, Christy wrote inspirational and Christian-based stories for children. She spent her free time as a student of the Word, constantly learning from her mentors, like Joyce Meyer and Joseph Prince. Her priority, though, was raising her children, leaving little time to publish her books. She always hoped the window of opportunity would open to share the gifts God gave her.

Living the story…

In 2007, seventeen-year-old Destiny felt called to chase a BIG dream. Her mom, Christy, related to the longing her daughter had to experience the extraordinary. When Destiny’s outrageous request became a reality, she and her mom stood in awe of God’s unmerited favor, His promises that never failed, and His divine intervention navigating every twist and turn of their journey. At the end of the road, Christy discovered their ultimate destination… Destiny’s transformation.

Though mother and daughter were completely changed by their experience, they had yet to realize the fullness of God’s plan.  

Until it all came together…

Unfolding through a decade of writing, revelation abounding from one chapter to the next, God ultimately revealed that He was working through our lives to write a story that would change yours.

The miracle is not just in the happening; it’s in His impeccable timing.

We hope you love reading Just Believe as much as we enjoyed living it. Every summer has a story… what will yours be?